Look into history...
[AMARAN : Mungkin terdapat salah ejaan yg byk kat bwh nih..harap2 paham la noo.. betulkan sendiri eh.. TQ :)]
Alhamdulillah, td dah selesai event Tun tuh... mase dengaq ucapan Tun td, mmg sggh bersemangat aku...sejam setengah tuh aku x rase ngantuk pon.. ni le kelebihan Tun M..what a good speaker he is...Tun sbnrnye bg ucapan pasal "Leadership in Crisis Management".. Tun mulekan ngan describing, what actually a leader..and what should a leader do.... Ohh..mmg rugi le x dgr... i've still have the points here..up in my head...
Then, Tun ckp lak, pasal care2 nak tackle crisis...antara isinye, Always look at the history of the crisis...identify the problem... pastu reduce the options of solutions dan yg plg penting buat a leader is to make decisions.. this is very crucial.. dan sometimes that decision...not sometimes, but always, the decision has its light and dark side... the only most we can do, is to choose the decission with the little down and should be more acceptable in tackling the crisis... Tun M membayangkan, a doctor should be a good leader when in overcome a crisis..and hey..the proof is he himself...
Well, kalo nak details about the wonderful speech, how about googling or tgk the newspapers...hurm.. as Tun said, we should look at the history.. a leader that has no knowledge and less experienced will not make a good decission.... so in the matter of acquiring knowledge and experience, one of the way is to look back at the history.. history tells us everythng we want to know.. learn from it, and we'll gain something very wonderful, hopefully a solution to overcome our futuire problems..hal ni jugak amat selari dgn ajaran Islam itu sendiri..di dalam Al-Quran jugak diceritakan mengenai hal2 umat terdahulu supaya kita tidak terus mengulangi kesilapan yg sama serta mengambil iktibar darinya...
Btw, ari ni dah 12 december 2005... back in 11 days ago, yakni pada 1 December, ade 2 tarikh penting yg aku sambut anniversary nye.. first ialah my mom and dad's nyer wedding day, almost 22 years ago ( Happy Anniversary mom and dad~! x de hari ni 22 thn lps, x de la aku...) dan lg satu yg aku nak sentuh dan agak istimewa ialah kelahiran blog aku nih...it had been 2 years then since aku start tulis blog nih... and you know what...There is so many thing i got from blogging myself..
The first thing is that, i learn how to communicate to the people, although bukan dlm keadaan fizikal...dr sini aku dpt meluahkan segala2nya..buah pikiran, isi hati dan everything whatsoever spt mender2 yg aku x puas ati (huhu..)..Slain tu jugak, aku dpt kenal ramai member2 yg dtg melawat blog nih.. dr sini gakle aku dpt kenal org ramai, bergaul dgn derang (korang..ehehe), walaupon di alam serba maya ini... dan ini mmg merupakan satu experience yg baru aku dpt, dimana x pnah aku dpt selama ni....Just nak kasi retro, aku tunjuk link ke first First Posting aku.. huhuhu..mmg mrepek at that time...
Then ni plak posting first aku yg ade lagu ( Klik Sini )..huhuhu.... layan jiwang lak time tu... x igt dah pasai apa.. tp rasanya sbb lagu tu best..masa tu mmg x pakai flash lagi..x reti la...huhuhu... dah lps tu , lama2 aku pikiaq, baik aku pakai flash.. ni pon sebab baru blajaq flash tu dan ni plak posting first aku yg ada lagu flash(..klik sini...)..huhu.. interface memule simple, autostart dan biase jek...kire ekspirimen la yg tu.. dah lps tu aku wat le lain sket interface die..dan masuk yg baru ni, kire ade 3 le interface flash tuh... btw, aku really appreciate kalo korang sudi bace posting2 aku yg lame2 cam contoh yg Darul Kifayah ni..slain tu klik je kat acrhive kat menu tepi nih dan previous posts tuh..
Well, sepanjang 2 thn ni, dah dekat 2-3 kali gakle aku tukaq skin..sape yg masuk dr dulu2, mesti tau kan camne skin2 yg lame tuh... well, aku x sempat nak prtscreen pon..x rase pon nak wat posting retro camni..but walau camne pon, aku bersyukur le, sbb masih lagi diberi kesempatan oleh Yang Maha Esa ntuk terus menulis kat sini, meluahkan pikiran dan jugak isi hati..mane la tau, korang leh dpt manfaat ke.. dgr lagu aku post tu leh ilang tension ke.. aku harap2 dpt le membantu korang dlm aspek2 camni...well this is the end of this posting, see u next post..huhu...
Thank You guys...Terima kasih kpd yg membace..x kire la yg slalu ke.. yg tersesat ke..huhu.. Arigato ne~ :P
[AMARAN : Mungkin terdapat salah ejaan yg byk kat bwh nih..harap2 paham la noo.. betulkan sendiri eh.. TQ :)]
Alhamdulillah, td dah selesai event Tun tuh... mase dengaq ucapan Tun td, mmg sggh bersemangat aku...sejam setengah tuh aku x rase ngantuk pon.. ni le kelebihan Tun M..what a good speaker he is...Tun sbnrnye bg ucapan pasal "Leadership in Crisis Management".. Tun mulekan ngan describing, what actually a leader..and what should a leader do.... Ohh..mmg rugi le x dgr... i've still have the points here..up in my head...
Then, Tun ckp lak, pasal care2 nak tackle crisis...antara isinye, Always look at the history of the crisis...identify the problem... pastu reduce the options of solutions dan yg plg penting buat a leader is to make decisions.. this is very crucial.. dan sometimes that decision...not sometimes, but always, the decision has its light and dark side... the only most we can do, is to choose the decission with the little down and should be more acceptable in tackling the crisis... Tun M membayangkan, a doctor should be a good leader when in overcome a crisis..and hey..the proof is he himself...
Well, kalo nak details about the wonderful speech, how about googling or tgk the newspapers...hurm.. as Tun said, we should look at the history.. a leader that has no knowledge and less experienced will not make a good decission.... so in the matter of acquiring knowledge and experience, one of the way is to look back at the history.. history tells us everythng we want to know.. learn from it, and we'll gain something very wonderful, hopefully a solution to overcome our futuire problems..hal ni jugak amat selari dgn ajaran Islam itu sendiri..di dalam Al-Quran jugak diceritakan mengenai hal2 umat terdahulu supaya kita tidak terus mengulangi kesilapan yg sama serta mengambil iktibar darinya...
Btw, ari ni dah 12 december 2005... back in 11 days ago, yakni pada 1 December, ade 2 tarikh penting yg aku sambut anniversary nye.. first ialah my mom and dad's nyer wedding day, almost 22 years ago ( Happy Anniversary mom and dad~! x de hari ni 22 thn lps, x de la aku...) dan lg satu yg aku nak sentuh dan agak istimewa ialah kelahiran blog aku nih...it had been 2 years then since aku start tulis blog nih... and you know what...There is so many thing i got from blogging myself..
The first thing is that, i learn how to communicate to the people, although bukan dlm keadaan fizikal...dr sini aku dpt meluahkan segala2nya..buah pikiran, isi hati dan everything whatsoever spt mender2 yg aku x puas ati (huhu..)..Slain tu jugak, aku dpt kenal ramai member2 yg dtg melawat blog nih.. dr sini gakle aku dpt kenal org ramai, bergaul dgn derang (korang..ehehe), walaupon di alam serba maya ini... dan ini mmg merupakan satu experience yg baru aku dpt, dimana x pnah aku dpt selama ni....Just nak kasi retro, aku tunjuk link ke first First Posting aku.. huhuhu..mmg mrepek at that time...
Then ni plak posting first aku yg ade lagu ( Klik Sini )..huhuhu.... layan jiwang lak time tu... x igt dah pasai apa.. tp rasanya sbb lagu tu best..masa tu mmg x pakai flash lagi..x reti la...huhuhu... dah lps tu , lama2 aku pikiaq, baik aku pakai flash.. ni pon sebab baru blajaq flash tu dan ni plak posting first aku yg ada lagu flash(..klik sini...)..huhu.. interface memule simple, autostart dan biase jek...kire ekspirimen la yg tu.. dah lps tu aku wat le lain sket interface die..dan masuk yg baru ni, kire ade 3 le interface flash tuh... btw, aku really appreciate kalo korang sudi bace posting2 aku yg lame2 cam contoh yg Darul Kifayah ni..slain tu klik je kat acrhive kat menu tepi nih dan previous posts tuh..
Well, sepanjang 2 thn ni, dah dekat 2-3 kali gakle aku tukaq skin..sape yg masuk dr dulu2, mesti tau kan camne skin2 yg lame tuh... well, aku x sempat nak prtscreen pon..x rase pon nak wat posting retro camni..but walau camne pon, aku bersyukur le, sbb masih lagi diberi kesempatan oleh Yang Maha Esa ntuk terus menulis kat sini, meluahkan pikiran dan jugak isi hati..mane la tau, korang leh dpt manfaat ke.. dgr lagu aku post tu leh ilang tension ke.. aku harap2 dpt le membantu korang dlm aspek2 camni...well this is the end of this posting, see u next post..huhu...
Thank You guys...Terima kasih kpd yg membace..x kire la yg slalu ke.. yg tersesat ke..huhu.. Arigato ne~ :P
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