Day 1 / 2019 - A Resolution


Dear Diary,

It is the 1st of January, 2019. The rest of the year will be surely challenging for us all. Malaysians especially, will face the hard truth, where they will start to assess the performance of the new Government, after a 7 month of 'honeymoon' period.

It is not only for the government. Here, I would remind myself that I have a family to raise and live with. Although both mom and son are living far away from me, I intend to engage more into their lives. As my son is now reaching his 5th birthday on July, there are a lot to worry for what he currently is. A lot of life skills are still developing but not at a steady expectation. He must get ready this year so that next year he can cope with the formal pre-school education system in this country.

For this, I really pray to God that he could make my son ready for the future with all of the essential skills to be a good Muslim child. And I pray that He lend me and my wife, strengths  and wisdoms in raising our son according to His command although we are temporarily live away from each other. I also pray that He leads us to the right path and prevent us from going astray.

For work and everything else, let's see what happens next.



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