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It turns 22.... and the journey continues..


Hi all.. When I woke up this morning, I noticed that there are couple of messages in my phone inbox.. when I read it, I'm kind of thinking...

"So... already here huh? 22?.. Alhamdulillah..still alive.."

Yerp, it turns out to be 22 today, my age... it's my birthday.. the messages are the wishes from my friends... I am one step further of my age and there is still a lot to discover, if permitted by God. I never think I would end like this.. working far away from my family, in a 'big' office with those responsibilities and tasks ahead. What I dream was to get a simple job, living with my family and have my own family soon. But what can I say, it's not like that and not easy as what I've dreamt of.. It's more challenging than what I expected before.

And yet, new year is coming just less than 48 hours now... It means that we all will become older, seeking to accomplished what we have plan for this year. For me, 2007 had give some significant impact in my life. 2007 starts with a struggle for me to finish up my project, to complete all the thesis for my degree. There was a time I'm feeling so stressed out with this project things.. it often give me headache but no one would ever understand it.. I'm keeping it to myself... the project presentation is one of the crucial time in my life as a student and finishing up the thesis is worst than that... but then, Alhamdulillah, I have passed the presentation, and my thesis has been accepted...

And 2007 once again had seen a dramatically change to my life... I've graduated from the university, and entering a whole new different world.. it's a new role here, different from before.. a world where you have to find your own destiny, you have to give full dedication or you will not survive.. welcome to the working world, where responsibilities and professionalism comes first. Job hunting was not bad but sometimes you'll be pissed off... it happens when you think that you are fit for a job but later you be informed that you were not...

However, I manage to go through all that, and got my first job.. well, the first job is kind of simple, near to my home and I had a chance to live with my family, just like what I have dreamt of before.. however, this job requires a lot of patience and courage. I maybe got those two, but my inner thought does not agree with me... I felt like being discriminated there.. you cannot do whatever you have to do.. the rules are so bad.. we're being treated like a machine.. you have to obey their rules and they make it so hard to obey His' (He who has created the universe!!) Luckily after that, I've got a new job and its more secure and more likely to be what I want.. but it comes with prices... I've to move away from my family, it's no longer simple and it's more challenging... it's now more responsibilities..

Some of this year goals are accomplished.. I've finished my project, thesis.. I got my degree, got my first job, current job.. being able to help my parent (a lil bit, if not a lot) and some other goals.. however there is still more to come.. as the age is getting bigger and life is shorter, I'm getting a few more things in my life.. I would like to work harder and achieve the excellencies in it. I would like to help my family and friends more, giving them hands when they need it. And I think it is the time for me to own a car [:P] and perhaps, to find my life partner... my soul.. my love... hehe.. :P - don't you guys agree with me?

It seems odd for me to post my entries in english.. and I know it is broken everywhere.. you may found that it is hard to understand what was written here, but folks, it's not because you don't know English, it just me that who doesn't know it well.. I try to put it in English because I would like to improve.. and this is not the first time.. I've wrote the entries in English before but I don't know if I'm getting better or worst.. pardon me if you got some headache when reading this entry...

Akhirulkalam, happy new year 2008 everyone, and may Allah blessed us all.. Amin..


I wanna be real this time... a real man...


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