Every song has a story...
Assalamualaikum In the early years of this blog, I would sometimes post a song or two as a content for an entry. This usually would relates to a story of mine or reflects a mood I'm currently in. Sometimes, it represents as a message that I wanted to convey to someone, discreetly. I think, that is my version of "every song has a story". Indeed, every song has a story. Some song you remembered the most because someone had introduced it to you before. In this case, when you heard the song being played again, you will instantly remember that person. Maybe it is your friend, your colleagues at school or at work or maybe someone you've admired before. The same goes with this song. I didn't remember it until just now, when it is announced as one of the song for a contestant in the next Gegar Vaganza 4 concert next week. Suddenly, I remembered the story behind it. I'll end this post here with a video clip of the song. "Ceritera Cinta...